
Poverty across the globe continues to escalate at an enormous rate. For generations they have these fundraisers and donation drives being advertised on t.v. and in various businesses and even on billboards and in corner stores. The slogans are usually donate this, donate that but alot of non-profit organizations are scams and have widely misled the people. Alot of charities do not handle our donations in ways that we believed they would or intended for them to do. There's been many scandals over the years involving monies for African children and under privileged children across the globe.But answer this question, could ten or fifteen Billionaires unify and help alleviate one of the World's greatest ills, Poverty. Could they do what Governments, various organizations, and many,many others have been unable to do? Could some of the World's Most Powerful and Influential Business People put their Money and Agenda together and end Poverty??? Think About It!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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