Oct-26- 2010

According to the Charge Evaluation Worksheet filed Monday morning (October 25) in Los Angeles, "D [defendant] is the driver of a car stopped for traffic violation. Deputy smells marijuana and searches car and occupants for source of odor. Deputy finds 4 pills of ecstasy in D's pants. Deputies also find marijuana in car and other narcotics in possession of one of the passengers. D is on federal probation in Georgia and has already been sentenced to 10 months [ed. 11 months] in prison for violation stemming from this arrest. Given amount of facts above, case rejected." (MTV)
Defense lawyer Steve Sadow told CNN the decision to drop the charges was "the right thing to do under the circumstances." "Both his Los Angeles defense attorney, Blair Berk, and myself commend the Los Angeles district attorney's office for exercising its discretion to reject prosecution in light of the legal and factual issues involved," Sadow said. (CNN
T.I. is still expected to turn himself in to begin serving an 11 month prison sentence in a few weeks.

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