Oct-29- 2010

It’s time for another “quotes” article.......What is it that is so fascinating about break up quotes anyway?

First of all, they help us to realize that we are not alone out there. People have suffered from broken hearts back through hundreds of years.

Thinking that you are alone with your break up is not as absurd as many of you perhaps might think. One of the main characteristics of break ups is that we are overcome with overwhelming loneliness. Knowing that other people have had this problem too, and survived, gives you comfort and strength to hang in there.

On the other side, it’s always helpful to see another angle. Artists especially seem to have a different view of the world and life – their gift is to enliven the unaware. They help us to understand what we may already know in our minds, but the feelings in our heart resist believing.

So, I’ve collected the 10 most inspiring break up quotes for you, which not only sound good, but actually make you feel better and more positive about the future if you are going through a break up right now.

Here they are:1.“‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

—Alfred Lord Tennyson

Everyone who has suffered from a broken heart at any time has heard this quote. Unfortunately it does not give comfort at the beginning, only years later will you realize its profoundness and value.
2.“If you really love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours, if not it wasn’t meant to be.”


I heard this the first time in the movie Indecent Proposal. It illustrates the necessity of detachment, of “letting go” after a break up.

3.“You have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again.”


There is no moving on without forgiveness, and more importantly: there is no new beginning while carrying “old emotional baggage”.

4.“Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either.”

—Golda Meir

Experiencing the negative emotions is part of life. Only if we are able to go through them with our full consciousness can we also appreciate and benefit from the positive ones.

5.“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

Sometimes relationships can’t be fixed. That is when it’s better to move on. Sad, but very often true.

6.“Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.”


Only when you are able to completely detach yourself, can you be free. After a break up, and elsewhere in life. Be a leaf floating in a river, not knowing where it might take you. This is true freedom.

7.“The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it is.”

—Tigress Luv

Acceptance is one important step in healing from a break up. This is part of the painful first phase.

8.“I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me – I’m going to smile.”

—Lone StarThis is actually some great break up advice in two ways: first you are not being needy in front of your Ex, you demonstrate strength and your Ex may wonder if s/he has made the right decision.

Also, constant smiling despite the fact that you feel terrible is a great way “to trick” your mind. By smiling, the body sends signals to the mind that you are happy, even if you are not. Eventually the mind WILL accept the state of the body.

This is simple neuro-linguistic programming.

9.“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

—M. Kathleen Casey

This is a great one.

It means that you have the choice to accept the pain and not allow it to turn into suffering.

One of the main reasons that mental pain turns into suffering is continual mental reasoning. We can break that vicious cycle by learning to control our thoughts.

10.“I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.”


It is a great accomplishment to realize that we loved a concept, a picture we had in our minds, rather than the person himself. When we break up, it’s this concept we miss, and what causes the pain is the failure of the same.

These were some of the best inspirational break up quotes I could find; I hope you’ve enjoyed them.

They teach us about detachment, the necessity to forgive and let go, to live life to the fullest with all its dark sides, acceptance, neuro-linguistic programming, mental control and the existence of false pictures.

All virtues for overcoming a break up, and you are now one step closer to finding the secret of how to get over a break up.

For that arduous task, I wish you all the best.

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