Superstar Duo T.I. and wife Tiny continues to fight against Alzheimers. T.I.'s dad Clifford Harris Sr.passed away from the disease and Tiny's dad Charles Pope suffers from the disease currently. Their foundation "For The Love Of Our Fathers" is having an invitation only fundraiser Sunday Oct. 3rd. It's an Honoree Luncheon accepting $100 donations and will serve as a pre-launch for the foundation's upcoming website and benefit concert. The event will feature guests speakers:Jamie Foster Brown Sister 2 Sister Magazine's Founder and Editor and Alzheimers Advocate Tena S.Walker. The event will feature live entertainment from X-scape, OMG Girls,and Q.T. Jazz. The event will be attended by celebrities,athletes,community and religious leaders,and business executives, etc.We wish the Power Couple much success with their foundation.
Marco Alferez a 34 year old Dance Teacher at Irvin High School in El Paso,TX. was jailed today without bond.The teacher was charged with sexual exploitation of minors and possessing child pornography, alledgedly having 200 video tapes of sexual relations he's had with minors, some whom were in Elementary School. He was a teacher at the High School since 2008 and has been placed on Administrative leave. This is another sad case of Child Abuse and Child Exploitation in its highest form. We got to put an end to all of this madness.
I have so many emcees that I listen to and have listened to over the years since I was ten years old. So here goes my top ten after constant inner debates within myself, this is what it is. This is my current top ten rappers of all-time list in no particular order and I'm sticking to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jay Z.,,,2Pac,,,Chuck D.,,,Ice-Cube,,,Rakim,,,Kanye West,,,Biggie,,,KRS 1.,,,Nas,,,and Scarface!!!!!!!!!!!!I can ride out to each of these artists catalogs and never listen to another rapper in my life period if necessary. Its many other emcees I listen to and highly respect but these are the cream of the crop hands down.....................Stay Tuned
Southern Regional Minister A.Sharrieff Muhammad was sent to Atlanta to head up the Nation of Islam's Mosque No.#15 in December 2004 and immediately he followed The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's instructions and hit the ground running.With the help of many helpful beleivers through out Mosque #15 and the Southern Region, Minister Sharrieff began to transform the Mosque and Islam in and around the Atlanta area. He set up many programs and began to form alliances with many grassroots organizations and Christian Churches. He became a member of the Notable,Respectful, and influential Concern Black Clergy Of Atlanta which embodies different Community Activist,Political Activist,and Religious Leaders,working in Unity towards common goals. Minister Sharrieff is a Dedicated Husband of nearly 30 years to Sis.Sharrieffah Muhammad and the Proud Father of six children, Valencia,William,Joshua,Miriam,Naemah,and Rashad. He also has fifteen grandchildren. Minister Sharrieff along with the Laborers of his investment team began to open up and establish businesses in the South West Atlanta area. Currently there's the Blue Seas Restaurant, Your Respectful Life Bookstore,Your Bakery,Your Barbershop, and N.O.I. Security Agency. Stay Tuned for the rest of the businesses coming soon along with a major Mosque and Community Center.
Conscious and political hip hop is needed now more than ever, the game needs it,the people need it,the culture needs it,society needs it,we all need it. Hip hop is too broad and too much of a lifestyle to be held hostage to this weak-azz , buffoonery posing as rap music. We need the conscious and political,no holds barred,risk takers to flood the streets with knowledge,wisdom,truth,facts,scriptures,intellect,originality,creativity,awareness,and love. My generation had Grand Master Flash,Run Dmc, Whodini,KRS 1.,Public Enemy,Jungle Brothers, Ice Cube,Intelligent Hoodlum,De La Soul,Poor Righteous Teachers,X-Clan,Paris,Kam,Da Lench Mob,Gang Starr,MCJX, S.A.W.,Jsiri X., Problem 13,OutKast, Goodie Mob, The Fugees, Lauren Hill, Queen Latifah,Arrested Development, A Tribe Called Quest, Black Sheep, 2pac, Jurassic 5, Dead President, Talib Kweli, Common, No I.D., Nas, and D.A. Smart. Today is so different, you'd be hard pressed to find a hand full of groups rapping about consciousness or political issues. We need to get back to the way we were in a good way, a major way.
We have to Unite no matter the religion,the ideaologies,or color barriers. Child Trafficking has become a major epidemic no one really speaks on like they should. No one really crusades on behalf of children besides Nancy Grace and her show. It's different organizations doing their part but all in all theres not enough awareness on the issue. We all need to get educated on child trafficking and child slavery, its become big business,big business and they're importing and exporting children as young as seven and eight years old now. We have to unite and learn more about this human travesty of child trafficking and child slavery in and out of our country. All kidnapped children aren't being killed, many are being abused and exploited sexually being held as slaves. We have to do what we have to do help the groups and organizations on the front line of this battle. We have to give them support as best we can. Not enough so-called leaders,activist,politicians, and Pastors are doing enough to help with the fight against these horrific and dispicable crimes against innocent children. U.N.I.C.E.F. is an organization at the fore front of trying to prevent and deal with child trafficking and child slavery. U.N.I.C.E.F.
Hi, I'm 28 years old and I have eight sisters , three sister-n-laws, many female cousins, and several close female friends and associates and its safe to say we all want the same things in a man. We all may want it or need it in different ways, packaged differently, with different characteristics but at the end of the day we want a man of "GOD". I socialize with many women with different backgrounds and up bringings and they all want a spiritual, street-knowledgeable, wise, intellectually gifted, ambitious, hard-working, warm-hearted, romantically and sexually superior soldier. Times are constantly changing in the world and this new generation as well as some of my generations concept of a real man are distorted. These young girls are way off course in what they perceive as a man and examples for their young children today. My Mother taught and enstilled in us certain values and morals that remain with me till this day. I always wanted a man that could reach me and teach me and just take me and help mold me along with "GOD". I"m a romance fanatic, I love being pampered and spoiled. I love the quality time, I love the spontaneous moments to the fullest. Most of the women I know love the same things, we all love the strenghth and wisdom of a man of a soldier. The images being displayed on t.v. and in our hoods across the country as far as men are crazy, its ridiculous, its imagery of savagery. We're not saints and angels but we're a different class of women with different expectations from men. We want and need providers, father-figures, men that can teach us the word and be that example for our children. My man has to be my best friend, my other half, my muse, my world outside of "GOD", and my children. Women want men today that they can grow with and excell with and enjoy every aspect of life with. Everything is real so you know the intimacy got to be exciting, off the chain, romantic, mind-boggling. I have to be pleased intimately in every way mentally and physically. I have seen plenty relationships end do to weak sex or lack of sex. People like to down play sex and intimacy and its overall importance to a marriage, I think not. Women have to be pleased in every way, spiritually, mentally, financially, emotionally, and intimately for sure. Women want to be comfortable and feel secure, we dont mind struggling if we have somebody worth struggling with and something worth struggling for. I have learned a lot about relationships from my Moms, experience, Mosque, Church , Mother-in-law and my sisters and sister-n-laws. I sit back listen and learn, I learned what works for me and what doesn't. I read a lot of books and manuals on relationships and I seek counsel when needed, I have a strong support system that I can rely on. But I pray a lot, I pray constantly. Overall women just want to be happy, happy and blessed. May "GOD" Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QUEEN-TAYE
Facebook's Founder/Ceo the 26 year old Mark Zuckerberg is worth nearly $7 Billion according to Forbes Magazine's World's Richest list,the 26 year old phenom has surpassed many long time Billion veterans on the list to become the 35th. richest person. Facebook has amassed over 500 million members. Zuckerberg reportedly donated $100 million to the New Jersey school system to help restore the school system in Newark, New Jersey, the city who has one of the worst school systems reportedly. There's a new movie out about the founding of Facebook and all the behind the scene details pertaining to the social site powerhouse and its Founder. According to Forbes Zuckerberg was the youngest self-made Billionaire ever when he was just 23 years old. His fortune has grew nearly 250 % since last year alone. Zuckerberg appeared on Oprah today. Bill Gates topped out the list for the 17th. straight year at nearly $55 Billion.
A recent letter has lurked around the net about Jay Electronica being a fraud!A man named Carter Whitelow, has come out with a letter saying that artist Jay Electronica stole his style and used it to make his career. Peep the story...
September 19, 2010
Carter Whitelow
Voir Dire Enlightenment Project LLC
Richmond, VA 23236
To Whom It May Concern,
If you have taken time out of your lives for this letter, you love hip hop. In the best interests of all hip hop consumers and connoisseurs, I have decided to come forward and admit that I wrote songs that have been used by Jay Electronica.
This situation is hard for me to speak about because this was my life. As a writer, you always strive to put every piece of your soul into your work, and I strive to achieve that with every work I create. However, I am a Hip Hop fan first and foremost. I dreamed of a day where the nature of hip hop would revert back to the moments where an emcee is an artist and not a commodity. My original works were to be a testament to every kid that was dealing with drugs, loss, and an unfortunate situation. Unfortunately, my message has been skewed over the past several years. This was the last time I could stand aside and let fans of my craft be dissapointed for no apparent reason. Let me first detail how Act II, or what Jay Electronica and the blogosphere call Act I, came to existence.
When I was a senior in high school in 2002, I started writing a full length novel called Act I. It is a memoir detailing my life at the time; partying, weed smoking, all of the things that wayward kids do. It was my plan to release the book in a double book format, along with a poetry/rhyme book. The poetry book was called Act II: The Life and Times of Carter Whitelow. In this book, I detailed my alter ego, called Trademark Legacy, aka the Black Adam. During the years of 2002-2006, I continued to hone my craft and finish both handwritten documents. My plan was to have the books published, however something called me to rap.
I attended George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia from 2002-2005 off and on. I just knew that the things I was writing would make me famous. You know when you have something that is just undeniable. It was like the words were just falling out of my pen. In full disclosure, I was in the deep throws of several addictions, including xanax, weed, codeine, X. Just a recipe for death really. I was heavily influenced by Eminem at the time, and I was watching a Behind the Music on him one night. A music critic said that the one thing that set Eminem apart was his use of syllables and rhyme structure. The entire piece was meant to recreate the syllable, rhyme structure and cadence of an Eminem album. I studied all of his songs, as well as Pac, Rakim, Jay-Z, Pharoahe Monch, Talib Kweli, and Nas. I would stay up all night, trying to figure out why they said things where they said them, and how I could frame my story in a similar manner. I wanted to be a hybrid of all the great rappers of the time. The heartbreak of the recent death of my father, as well as a failed relationship led me to create what was called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
I started Eternal Sunshine in 2004, during the first wave of the crunk-downsouth revival. It was a song that was meant for people to use to cope with the struggles of anything you were going through in life. Just erase your mind. The original premise of the first verse was supposed to be a message to my ex girlfriend at the time. Hence the line “She said she never fell in love with a superman”. I referenced the Eminem song here due to her admiration of the song. The rest of the song was coming together like a novel of my mind at the time. I was a Catholic that had lost faith, studying buddhism, islam, and hinduism. I would keep references from these religions near me, and literally look at the works, and make a rhyme. This was the entire strategy that I would attack songs with early on. I would say a couple of lines about my personal experiences, and spit some religion. If you read the second stanza of Eternal, I detail my personal struggle to overcome the pain of my ex girlfriend. All of these songs were crafted in the Metro station in Suitland, Maryland through D.C., to Fairfax, Virginia. This is also why the majority of the songs that I wrote contained a reference to trains. I would have to hop the gates to get in and out just to get where I needed to go. “if my skull was cracked, and blood ran down to the culdesac, that could not match me where im at/ my memories flash me there and back” was a direct reference to when I lived in a cul de sac and I gushed my head open as a child. You get the picture. I could go on all day about the nuts and bolts of every lyric I wrote, I’ll get to how I BELIEVE Jay Electronica acquired my lyrics.
I have been advised by legal council not to divulge individuals names that are not of public domain. For that reason, I will call this person John Finate. I met John Finate during my first year at George Mason. I knew this kid was rich and had connections, but I didnt know he loved hip hop. We would hang out and make beats on his MPC-4000, smoke a little and chill, you know. I would carry my books with me like a nomad, and anything that I saw, I would write about it. We would always go from D.C. up 95 to New Jersey, where his family stayed. He would always tell me, “Man, when we go up here, were goin to RocaFella, Def Jam, all of that”. I thinkin that this white kid must be crazy. What I came to realize is that we dont see the real mechanics of the industry from the sideline. This kid was connected through a major electronic company. John and I were initially trying to shop beats, like the broke mans Neptunes. We made some quick sloppies and were trying to get our foot in the door. In the back of my mind im thinking we will get kicked out like DJ Jazzy Jeff on Fresh Prince. John says his name at the desk and in no time we went straight up to the Def Jam Office. They were still changing over from the RocaFella acquisition so there was more ROC than anything up there. I was starstruck, walking around rubbing shoulders with Biggs, it was crazy. We meet an A&R who no longer is employed with Def Jam, and John and I give him our CD. He gives us the obligatory, “Oh yeah yall are just here cause your somebody’s kid” look, grabs it and moves on. Im thinking we finally made it, when he probably just waited until we walked out and trashed it. Regardless, we carried on like we were gonna start a Production unit. I kept writing, assuming that the in-road I just made would lead to something. As most artist soon realize in the industry, just because you know someone does not mean you are ‘A Go’.
Off and on for three years John and I went up to New York, sometimes to chill, sometimes to work. In January 2006, I left George Mason and I left my book with John, telling him to shop it for me when he went back up north. I moved to Richmond, VA, and he promised me he would ‘look out’. That was the end of the book as I knew it, and the beginning of where we are now.
For four years, I just forgot about rapping and writing. I really truly felt that if I couldnt make it, then I didnt want to do it anymore. I just listened to old Reflection Eternal, Pac, Jay Z, so on and so forth. I just listened to enough new rap to get me through the club nights. I found myself listening to garbage just to stay culturally relevant. I started school at VCU, got clean from the pills and concentrated on actually getting my degree. Throughout this entire period, my brother Taylor was heavy into the blogs and hip hop news sites. He kept telling me, “Yo, listen to this Jay Electronica *****, man hes the realist.” As a hip hop fan, I couldnt tell you how many times Ive heard this rapper or that rapper was hot, so I just brushed it off. He wasnt on the radio for the hour I listened to it, so I didnt care. Finally, on January 19, 2010, I was outside doing yardwork and we were listening to Wiz. He says, “Man, Wiz is hot, but that ***** Jay Electronica is like top five in the game.” I finally buckled and went to Vuze and downloaded his catalogue.
The first thing I initially noticed was that Jay Electronica’s song titles were eerily similar to the ones I wrote about. You know how you get this feeling when you meet someone again after a long period of time. You know you know them. I was reading the thread and song titles on what he called ACT:I, and I am shaking my head thinking I must be crazy. I just downloaded it along with some mixtapes, and went to work. I thought it was weird that some random cat was thinking the same way I was thinking, and I was hyped. I was so ready to hear some real hip hop for a change. I got home that night, plugged my headphones in, and started vibing. The first song I heard was ‘Extra Extra’. Mind you the title is THE EXACT SAME as it was in the book. I crank it and Im bobbing my head just chilling, listening to the beat a little. Then I start hearing the words and I couldnt believe what I was hearing. This dude is rapping about the same things, in the same cadence and structure that I used to. When I listen to mixtapes, I give it that obligatory minute, then I move on to the next song. I brushed it off, got halfway through the song and moved on. The next thing I heard was Uzi Weighs a Ton. I listened closely for 15 seconds to the lyrics, and I was picking up on what he was saying before he said it. I sat up in my bed, and I was looking around like someone had died. This man got one of my songs. Or so I thought.
I looked at my iPhone and I was stunned. I skipped to the song Girlfriend…I heard one 8 and I took off my headphones and screamed. Theres another one. By this time Im half hyped, and half panicked. Im happy to hear my songs, I couldnt believe it. On the other hand Im trying to figure out how this even happened. I look back at all of my files, I see all of my books that I have from that era, but not ACT II. I knew at that precise moment what had happened, I got ‘got’. I went online and started researching who Jay Electronica was. I noticed that he was affiliated with a producer that John had been in contact with. I was stunned to think that someone really made it in the industry with my rhymes, and that someone would actually use my personal experiences. I looked at the lyrics on a message board, and it was confirmed. I am Jay Electronica.
The first person I called was John, who is now a UAE/ USA party promoter. I call him and ask him if he knows anything about Jay Electronica. He lives in New York, was deep in the game, and said “I dont even know who Jay Electronica is…” My mind went from ‘This a mistake’ to ‘OK, I see whats going on’. I told John to get in contact with his old connects, and tell them to contact me. I also contacted Jay Electronica the only way I knew how; through Twitter. I wanted to reach out and complete the project that everyone wanted. ‘Act II’, I read, was supposed to come out in 2008 or 2009. I found out in January 2010, and for a solid month I reach out through every channel I know how. I tried contacting all of the people affiliated with him, to no avail. I read that he was doing legitimate shows, making money off of it for several years. Honestly I was mad and frustrated. I cant even finish the job that I wanted to do, and this guy is ruining everything I was trying to create. His buzz was dying and all I could do is sit back and watch him squander my vision. On the 22nd of January, I sent a direct message to Jay Electronica, urging his representation to meet with me. No discussion. The only problem is that I duplicate songs in several books, some of which contain songs that are in ‘ACT II the book’. My legal council told me that now he cant release a song from that book, or he will take a chance that the song he chooses will be one I have. Thats why, since early this year in my opinion, you havent heard anything that resembles the Jay Electronica you thought you knew.
I have not accused anyone of any malice, I am just stating what I know to be a fact. I cannot tell you how Jay Electronica acquired my book. I can tell you that he did have the book, and I can also tell you that I have songs in that book that have yet to be released.
In closing, I would like to say that you, the reader, dont have to believe this. You can go on believing that this album will one day happen. Maybe now it will. You can have your theories and ideas as to why this is occuring. But I promise you, it wont be from the same person that wrote the Eternal Sunshine. I hope you understand why I had to come forward at this stage, and I wish Jay Electronica the best in his career.
Enclosed is a link to the follow up to what I have written before. Link To BASE B.A.S.E. is the natural progression, lyrically, of what you have heard in the past. Listen to my rhyme structure and compare the new 2010 Jay Electronica with B.A.S.E. Then go back and listen to Act I and tell me what you think. I will not stand back and let real hip hop die. Open your mind and listen. Take The Oath.
Carter Whitelow
Voir Dire Enlightenment Project LLC
Pastor Manning: Do anybody really know this guy or ever heard of this guy? The sh*t that he continues to spew against President Obama is on some self-hate sh*t, where they do that at? I guess where ever this no identity, no love for self, no real agenda, disgrace to the pulpit and Church as a whole maniac comes from. Sit back and judge for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I listen to many Ministers and Pastors Black and White, male and female, but hands down when it comes to representing "GOD'S" word and championing the cause of Black people and all minorities no one does it better than The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is the man, he's relentless, strong, divine,powerful, intellectually deep, a soldier, a leader, an example, a leader, teacher and guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sit back and enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The late great Aaliyah said it best "Age Aint Nothing But A Number", for the past few years rappers and critics have been criticizing rap titan Jay Z., for being too old and over the hill calling rap a young man's game. But the critics mainly weak-azz jealous-azz one hit-wonders emcees evidently didn't do their due diligence, because a lot of raps heavy hitters are over 40 and pushing 40 real soon. So these so-called critics need to step back and shut up enjoy the ride like we all are. These critics and naysayers know who they are and them jealous-azz rappers know who they are too. Below are 30 prominent rappers whose age hasn't impacted them musically by no means, other things may have impacted their careers but not their ages:::Chuck D.(50), Too Short (44), KRS 1. (45), E40 (42), Birdman (41), Paris (43), LL Cool J. (42), Akon (40+), Diddy (41), Jay Z. (41), Fat Joe (40), Ghostface (40), Raekwon (40), Scarface (40), DMX (40), Q.Tip (40), Kam (40), Ice Cube (41), Method Man (39), Snoop Dogg (39), Eminem (38), Busta Rhymes (38), Common (38), Nas (37), Mos Def (37), Nelly (36), Ceelo (35), Jadakiss (35), 50 Cent (35), Andre 3000 (35), Age aint nothing but a number and these artists prove that. There are other prominent artists whose close to or over the age of 40 years old and still making good solid music.All of these artists have already turned or will be these exact ages by December 31. this year. Hell they dont tell singers and rock stars they're too old and they need to retire. Hip hop is the most divisive genre in the entire music culture and landscape.How do these lame critics expect for the culture to continue to grow. All I have to say is keep the good meaningful music coming, I dont care if your 50 years old keep changing the game.1-Luvvv
Atlanta's own Lyfe Jennings has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison stemming from a 2008 arrest and indictment. The Soulful R & B Singer who has given us soulful hit after hit since 2005 was involved in a domestic dispute with his Ex-Girlfriend when he let off several shots from his handgun and led police on a high speed chase in Smyrna an Atlanta area suburb. Jennings just released his last album "I Still Believe". We wished the best for Lyfe, I had the pleasure of kicking it with Lyfe at various hot spots in Atlanta especially Luckie Lounge he's a real cool dude, he's realer than most of these singing cats.
Its finally here, the 25th. and final season of the Iconic "Oprah Winfrey Show", but do we care? Do Black America really care? We pretty much know the rest of America really, really cares. My wife cares definitely without a shadow of a doubt and here's how she and a few friends and associates feel about the Billionaire Talk Show Host's Juggernaut Show going off the air. "It's sad, its really a big void being left open, Oprah changed lives and revolutionized daily talk shows. Oprah united the country in her own way, she brought all nationalities together with and through her show, she will be missed."- Shawnte Muhammad "Oprah's inspiring and she is like no other, she's an inspiration and she will be missed but she's still a Billionaire, she'll be fine,lol."- Yvonne Johnson "Personally I dont give a damn about Oprah or her white people loving show."- Jeremy Jackson "I'll miss her indeed like millions of other die-hard fans will but she'll turn back up on T.V."- Terry Hillman "It dont matter, she's cool and her show helps a lot of people but where i'm from Oprah really dont matter, we got bigger fish to fry, she got hers we trying to get ours."- Nate Jackson "She always done more for Whites than Blacks, so the hell with that show and everybody associated with it, real talk."- Randy Speakman "My family loves and appreciates Oprah and what all she's done for people of all colors is amazing, Oprah's amazing."- Renee Smith "She's a living legend and icon and I respect her works as well as her accomplishments, Oprah is a genious and will be missed."- Halima Shabazz "Oprah is cool and she's an icon but it dont matter much to me about her show, she matters more to me as a person, she's a sweet person."- Rashad Simmons "Oprah will be missed bottomline, bottomline her show is the best ever and she'll never be replaced, never."- Tacheera Ali "I dont care and I dont think it really matters to no one but Whites in truth."- Paul Thomas

William Tyler Black 28 and a substitute school teacher in Sarasota, Florida was arrested last Tuesday afternoon giving himself sensual pleasure in a Walmart aisle with a sports illustrated swimsuit issue and a star wars light saber. The embattled Black is being held on $2000 dollar bond and currently seems to be unable to make bail in Sarasota County the bail is 10%. He is do back in court on OCT.15th. for arraignment. That public display of masturbation is ridiculous and repulsive and should be met with stiffer bonds and penalties for such acts of insanity.
Two Dallas Texas Police Officers were caught on tape abusing a Motorcyclist with Batons and fists. Peep the video out at
A central Florida man was arrested recently after jumping onto a school bus and threatening to kill students who bullied and embarassed his daughter. James Jones ordered the kids aboard to sit down so that his daughter could identify those guilty of bulliying her and putting a condom in her hair. The video obtained from security cameras on the bus showed on CBS affiliate WKMG, a student picking up what appeared to be a condom from the aisle of the bus dropping on Jones daughter's hair and the bus erupting in laughter as the girl tried to get the condom out of her hair. This is a sad situation, look at what bullying can do and it could have been potentially much worse.
Where they do that at? Apparently Ohio where a 21 year old woman has been indicted for teaching her 2 year old daughter how to smoke weed and she filmed it with her cell phone. What kind of world are we living in? You have adults sexually and physically abusing children, you have adults kidnapping and murdering children and doing all sorts of heinous crimes to innocent minors. Now you have a young immature mother teaching a baby hoe to smoke weed, this is ridiculous and insane. The Hamilton County indictment against 21 year old Jessica Gamble Of Springfield Township includes three charges, all felonies, corrupting another with drugs, child endangerering and tampering with evidence which all carry a maximum sentence of 11 plus years in prison. This is unacceptable and something has to be done about these type of cases, severe punishment is in order. The court system has to start making stern examples out of sick individuals who violate and exploit children bottomline. Severe penalties has to become the order of the day when it comes to any form of child abuse period.
Speaking in a recent interview to Complex Magazine, rapper Kid Cudi went all in on his feelings towards rapper Wale. In responding to a recent freestyle referencing him by Wale, Kid Cudi said
"It wasn't a shot, its just a simple a** rhyme by a simple a** rapper. You cant let that sh*t faze you. Thats one of those raps that just show the world you wack". He also stated "These people dont know my f******* life, now i"m going to give them something to talk about". Wale tweeted on Friday Sept.17th. "N*gg*s lettin that liquid cocaine get to them, lets go then".Things are definetely heating up between the two talented emcees, we'll stay tuned and keep you informed. Check out Complex Magazine for the full detailed interview with Kid Cudi.
Atlanta-based Muti-Talented Rapper B.O.B. whose signed to Rapper T.I.'s Grand Hustle Records is set to perform for the President at this year's National Gen 44 Summit kickoff three day event in Washington, D.C.. The rapper will perform at the renown DAR Constitution Hall on Sept. 30th., the event was founded by the Democratic National Committee to cultivate and empower young leaders. B.O.B. debut album released earlier this year is nearly certified gold (500,000 units sold) sparked by hit singles "Nothin On You" and "Airplanes" featuring Eminem. B.O.B. is also reportedly working on an upcoming project with Hip hop heavyweight Drake.
According to industry insiders Multi-Talented and Platinum Singer Ginuwine is set to drop his new album project on Valentine's Day which will feature the first single "Drink Of Choice" to be released in October or early November. The singer album is titled "Elgin", the singer's real name is Elgin Lumpkin, this will be the multi-talented singer and dancer's 7th. studio album. The album is set to feature a solid collection of love ballads and classic R & B Soul Music.
Multi-Platinum and Award Winning Rapper T.I. has reportedly has been summoned back to court to face U.S. District Court Judge Charles Pannel Jr. once again. Pannel is the same Judge that sentenced Clifford "T.I." Harris for his firearms violations, he still on probation from that conviction. T.I. and wife singer/songwriter Tameka "Tiny" Cottle were pulled over in his Maybach in Hollywood on Sept.1, and arrested for drug possession for ectasy. The pills tested positive for opiates a controlled substance. The couple made an illegal U-Turn in the Maybach which prompted police to pull them over initially. The summons does not have a set date as of yet but the order lists three possible violations of his bond: possession of ectasy on Sept.1, testing positive for opiates on Sept.2 and associating with a convicted felon on Sept.1st. Hopefully things work out for the Atlanta born and bred Rapper.
NBA Superstar Dwight Howard Of The Orlando Magic has reportedly filed a lawsuit against his baby mama that alleges she violated a confidential agreement that was part of their 2009 court settlement. The Superstar Center says he's tired of her ripping him in the media and slandering his name and that she has already violated repeatedly leaking information about him to the media over 11 times. TMZ obtained copy of legal documents varifying the lawsuit filed in Orange County, Fla. Howard's baby mama is a regular on the VH 1 T.V. show "Basketball Wives". Her representative denies any wrong doing and told TMZ that the leaked information originated from court documents which she cant be held accountable for.
In his controversial trip to Britain, Pope Benedict XVI address for the first time indeptly the Worldwide Sex scandal rocking the Catholic Church. The Vatican has been hit hard recently with the overwhelming number of sexual abuse cases being reported across the globe and the high level of deception and cover up involved with some of the Church's Ranking Preachers. Over the past few years alone in the U.S. more and more men are coming forth about being abused by their Catholic Priest or Bishop. Some of the victims have commited suicide. The Pope insisted "that abusive Priests must never again be allowed access to young children, saying they suffer from an illness that "goodwill" cannot cure", stated the Pope. They must be screened better for priesthood. Benedict also said the "authority of the Church has failed". The Pope reiterated that the Church's top priority is to help abused victims heal. Victim Advocates Groups have long assisted the Pope take more personal responsibility in dealing with these Worldwide Scandals. Joelle Casteix of the Survivors Network of those abused by Priests stated "Bishops across the world continue to deliberately choose secrecy and deception over safety and honesty in child sex cases". We all know that the reality is, something needs to be done immediately in the Catholic Church, people are being used and abused, commiting suicide, and its continuing to be put on the back burner and covered up across the globe. But now evrywhere the outrage is escalating finally and the Pope has no alternative but to deal with this head on. May "GOD" Bless ..............
Mega Film Producer-Actor-Director Tyler Perry Have aquired the rights to the classic play and book of poems and transformed it into a full-length feature film set to be released on Nov. 5th.. The movie will be distributed through Lionsgate Pictures and the All-Star Cast includes: Janet Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Phylicia Rashad, Jill Scott, Thandie Newton, Kerry Washington, Isaiah Mustafa, Kimberly Elise, and Anika Noni Rose. The early buzz about the movie is very positive and that it's one of his best films to date. is reporting that Atlanta's own Gucci Mane's new album "The Appeal" is set to drop Sept.28th.. The streets are buzzing about the upcoming release which will feature 15 tracks and guest appearances from Super Producers Pharrell, Swizz Beats, Wyclef, and Artist Estelle, Ray J., Bun B., and Nikki Minaj. This will the rapper's third official studio album.