Dec-6- 2010

"I 100 percent agreed with the comments that [Kanye] made, because again ... it felt like it was being done to black people," Jay-Z said in an interview. "Like all you saw on the news was black people with help signs and all this stuff, and then you have this picture of the commander in chief, who we all rely on, just flying by...Just the fact that he thinks that the worst thing that happened to him is Kanye saying something about him. Like, what? That alone shows you where his mind is. Are you kidding me?" (Associated Press)
Bush's admission that West's Hurricane Katrina rant was the low point of his presidency struck Jay-Z as odd. "First, I find it strange, like everyone else should, that one of his lowest points was somebody talking about him," Jay-Z said of Kanye's infamous "George Bush doesn't care about black people" comment. "He's the president. People should insult him a lot. That's part of the job description." He went on to reiterate an excerpt from "Decoded" in which he talks about how the mishandling of the rescue/relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina affected him. "It didn't feel like a natural disaster; it felt like it was happening directly to blacks, and immediately those images of people in suits getting beaten, sprayed with hoses, beaten on the bridge at Selma, all these emotions were going on inside of us," Jay said. "Kanye really spoke what everyone else felt." (MTV)
"Me, I'm Pusha, I don't give a f*ck about what George W. Bush's lowest point was, ever. I don't care what he thinks," Pusha told SOHH. "And if Ye was his lowest point, then that says a lot about him. The president of the United States of America, I don't care how he feels emotionally. Listen man, people be getting it f*cked up, man, a lot of what's said comes from a very honest place and at the end of the day, if anything Ye said made Bush feel some type of way, then you sort of have to look at stuff in its whole perspective. You have to look in the mirror and say, 'What the f*ck was I doing wrong to make this guy say this and so many people agree with it?'" (SOHH)

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