What a wonderful world this could be, without prejudice, without racism, without anti-semitism and bigotry, without injustice, without child abuse, without genocide, without rape and sexual assault, without terrorism, but with "GOD", UNITY, LOVE, MUTUAL RESPECT, MONEY, FAMILY, POWER, KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM, SPIRITUALITY, PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, AND EQUALITY. We as a people and as a nation must come together and focus together in unity across color barriers and divisions in faith. Come on America we have a Black President but some whites and ignorant blacks want to boycott his Presidency and criticize all of his policies. When it comes to Farrakhan they call him a hate-monger but he's the Most Powerful Black man in this country and his organization is the Most Powerful Black Organization and the Most Organized in this country hands down. Anybody of strength they criticize and label them a radical or hater because they speak out and stand up to wrong and injustice wherever it may be. George Bush lied to the world and should have been impeached but they impeached Bill Clinton basically over sexual relations that he lied about. George Bush lies affected the whole world and caused tens of thousands of deaths most of them innocently. A lot of innocent lives were lost do to his lies and government manipulation. We have to do better in our communities and in our families keeping "GOD" at the center and the forefront of our lives, then the government lies and propaganda will have less affect on us as a people. We have to stay truly in tuned with "GOD" no matter the religion or belief just as long as you do believe in Almighty "GOD". We have to end the prejudice against Islam and Muslims and all the negative Islamophobia going on right now in our country. We have to stop discriminating against the less fortunate, the poor, the oppressed, minorities, and any people of color. We have to encourage unity amongst all religions and beliefs reguardless to how we personally may feel. We have to educate our youth and set better examples for them and be better examples for them. We as fathers have to be there reguardless to whom or what the situations are, I just recently came to terms with this concept in my own personal life and its been a beautiful thing. What a wonderful world this could be, if the rappers started back talking about real life issues and consciousness instead of vanity and foolishness. The athletes making all of this money need to help their communities more and help set up different programs for the youth and help create jobs for the less fortunate as well. Athletes get paid millions but teachers and doctors who truly make a difference on a day to day basis in a critical way gets under paid, highly under paid. Something is wrong with this picture, and they wonder why kids often turn to selling drugs. There's no excuse for selling drugs but we have to look at this thing from all angles objectively for real. Jobs are minimal in the black community, most black kids are coming from broken homes with no real male figure in their lives and they're surrounded by drugs and fast money or the illusion of. As long as you have unemployment at an all time high your going to have a severe drug problem in this country and besides we know who's really behind the drugs importing and exporting "The Government". You keep a people and a community swamped with drugs and violence you keep the people blind, deaf, and dumb. This is not a theory or a game this is real life and its going on urban communities through out this country. We have to do better as a nation and as a people. What a wonderful world this could be. Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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