Aug-21- 2011

Walking out of the 6,000-year-old grave of False Biblical Interpretations
( - The Simon Wiesenthal Center recently listed what it considers the top ten “anti-Israel lies.” At the top of the list was: 1. “Israel was created by European guilt over the Nazi Holocaust. Why should Palestinians pay the price?”

The Wiesenthal scholars addressed this charge by stating: “Three thousand years before the Holocaust, before there was a Roman Empire, Israel's kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…”

In this case what is not said may be more important than what was said. In these next two articles we intend to show that the White people who call themselves Jews today have no Biblical, historical or archaeological right to run the Palestinians out of their ancestral homeland, but are hiding the real reason for the White race's entry into the Holy Land.

By using the argument that “Israel's kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem,” the Wiesenthal Center left out what Zionists have been claiming as the primary reason the land of Palestine was chosen as the new homeland of the Jews: God gave this land to the followers of Moses after their exodus from their cruel captivity at the hands of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Instead, the best that the center's scholars can come up with today is “… Israel's kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…”

So what happened to Moses, the Exodus and God's Covenant with the Children of Israel? It seems as though the Simon Wiesenthal Center has been keeping up with Minister Farrakhan's series of lectures titled “Who are The Real Children of Israel?” and the Final Call articles that brought actual facts and scholarship to bear on this theological and geo-political issue. Some of these who claim to be Jewish scholars seem to want to skirt the issue instead of confronting our scholarship.

One article in The Final Call titled “Did the Exodus Ever Happen?” used Jewish scholars to point out the fact that there is no written record outside of the Bible nor archaeological evidence in Egypt, the Sinai or even Palestine that confirms a mass “exodus” of Jews out of Egypt into Palestine at any point in history. In fact the exodus story has been debunked by even Jewish scholars as an inverted story of an actual historical event in which the Egyptians were invaded by foreigners from Asia around 1700 B.C. These invaders were subsequently expelled from the delta region of Egypt by the Egyptian king, Ahmose.

So now that the Zionists have given up on the Exodus hoax, they must rely on evidence of their ancestors once walking the streets of Jerusalem to claim ownership. Well, since my ancestors were in bondage in the southern United States for 300 years under chattel slavery and another 100 years under Jim Crow Black Codes, then the world should come together and force the U.S. government to give us the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina just for starters. Then because we were burned out of Tulsa, Okla., slaughtered in Wilmington, N.C. and mistreated in Detroit, Chicago, Newark, New York, L.A. and numerous other cities in America, we should be given a piece of those areas as well. Many of us not only walked the streets of these cities but also had to sleep on them as well, because we were homeless victims of economic exploitation and discrimination.

So if the Zionists can no longer claim Jerusalem and Palestine based on Biblical references related to the Exodus and Moses' Covenant with God, then why are the European Jews so adamant about going back to the Holy Land? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that all White people fall under the heading of Israel and that Black people in America are like adopted children of White people. There is a movement among White scholars that agree that all White people come under the name of Israel, but they claim this is based on the Bible story of the Assyrians capturing 10 tribes of Israel, not including Judah, around 700 B.C. and exiling them to the Caucasus Mountains. This tribe of White Israelites, later called Caucasians, spread from the Caucasus Mountains into Russia, Europe and the British Isles. Therefore, we must pose these questions: At what time was Israel (White people) in the Holy Land; when did they leave; and most importantly, why?

An article in The Final Call titled “Myth or High Science? Is There Evidence of Mr. Yacub?” pointed out recent DNA research which points to the advent of blue eyes on our planet at a time between 10,000 and 6,000 years ago. However, another group of geneticists were more exact and pinpointed the beginning of Black people in Europe being turned into a race of white-skinned people to 6,600 years ago, exactly the time The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Yakub began the grafting process to use the brown germ within the Black man to make a new race of albinos. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further taught us that it took 600 years to turn 59,999 Black people into a race of White-skinned people. At that time these albinos entered the Holy Land and began to start trouble by causing the original inhabitants of the land to fight and kill one another. They were subsequently rounded up and made to walk across the hot Arabian desert to be put behind iron gates in the Caucasus Mountains, about 6,000 years ago. There they languished in their own ignorance for 2,000 years until Musa (Moses) was sent to civilize them once again in 2,000 B.C. or 4,000 years ago. Now, it is interesting that the Hyksos, which were a mixed group of Asians and Europeans, managed to walk back and ride back into Egypt around 1720 B.C.

So now we have historical evidence to show that there were indeed European White people who were once Black and once lived in the Holy Land. They have been trying to get back in ever since they were kicked out 6,000 years ago under not-too-favorable circumstances. They managed to get a hold of some of the writings or stories of ancient Black civilizations, and then twisted those stories to give them an identity that tied them to the Holy Land under false pretences. They invented the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the human psyche. They not only have claimed something that did not belong to them, but have hijacked history itself. White people have the whole world believing that written history started only 6,000 years ago and everything that happened before this time was “pre-history” and of no importance to the development of civilization. This is why the European Jews, as exposed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2 (TSRV2), are so persistent in denying that Blacks, the “cursed seed of Ham”, had accomplished anything of significance before they were brought into slavery in America from the “jungles of Africa.”

TSRV2 quotes the American Israelite, the most prominent and respected Jewish newspaper in America in 1913: “The negro, with the solitary exception of Australian and Polynesian, is the most backward of human races; his contributions to human progress have been insignificant…” If this is true, then why has it been necessary for Whites to burn down every library that they have found in the Black world?

As they “walked” through the African world, they destroyed the libraries at Alexandria and at every temple in Ancient Egypt. Now as they “walk” through the Middle East, they have destroyed the museums in Baghdad and now are burning books taken from the Palestinians in the occupied territories. They will continue to destroy artifacts that look “African,” as they “walk the streets” of the Holy Lands, to surgically remove what remains of human history of the peoples before them. This is their latest attempt to hide the evidence of how they recently arrived on our planet 6,000 years ago. No wonder they get exited every time Minister Farrakhan speaks. The more he speaks, the more he brings their shame to light.

(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu'min Muhammad, Agricultural Economist, National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at


Holy Day of Atonement 2011: 16th Anniversary of the Million Man March

Time for weak leaders, Western lies is up!
Strength to oppose dangerous plots against Africa, Black people is needed now, says Nation of Islam minister
HARLEM, New York ( - “We must speak truth to power or die! We must not be afraid to tell the truth even if it means we lose our lives because there is nothing more precious in this universe than truth,” said the Nation of Islam's leader while delivering a keynote address at the Millions March in Harlem, where a crowd stretched for blocks down Malcolm X Boulevard.

The gathering in the historic Mecca for Black culture and political thought was organized by the December 12th Movement to demand an end to the U.S.-NATO military assault on Libya, to denounce imperialist moves to recolonize Africa and oppose Mayor Bloomberg's policies activists complain are hurting Blacks.

Rally participants march down Malcolm X Boulevard. Photo: Arthur C. Muhammad

Activists, anti-war advocates and political leaders Aug. 13 decried U.S. designs on Africa and Black suffering in New York before the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's message punctuated their call for an end to war and devious plans to misuse Africa, alongside demands for justice inside the “world's greatest democracy.”

While America and Western nations use noble words, their intentions in Libya and Africa are evil and their promises made only to deceive nations and acquire their resources, Minister Farrakhan said. Today's leaders must not compromise or sugarcoat truth to gain an advantage or benefit from governments whose world is on its way out, he warned.

Libyan supporters of Col. Gadhafi now in the U.S. pictured with A. Akbar Muhammad. Photo: Ashahed M. Muhammad
“We are in great trouble as we speak and if our leaders will not tell us and guide us properly then they're going down and they'll take us down with them. This is why the Bible says ‘if the blind lead the blind both fall in the ditch' and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the ditch represents hell and destruction. Right now as a people we're in hell and we are being destroyed and there are forces that are planning our destruction,” said Min. Farrakhan.

The Minister warned U.S. involvement in Libya, in North Africa, and other parts of the Motherland is designed to keep the continent weak and open to outside control. “When Africa rises, when Africa shows the world what she can do and contribute to the onward movement of world civilization, when Africa takes her rightful place, all Africans in the Diaspora, nearly 500 million of us will rise in every society where we are. So the threat to Africa is a threat to every son and daughter of Africa wherever they may be found on the planet,” said Min. Farrakhan.

Harlem youth wave the red, black and green Pan-African flag. Photo: Richard B. Muhammad
Regaining complete dominance over the Motherland requires removing Libya's revolutionary leader, who has supported development on the continent and acted as a leading force for a united Africa, and crushing leaders like Robert Mugabe, of Zimbabwe, for taking back land that rightfully belongs to Black people, he explained.
Despite being targeted by the two most expensive assassination attempts in world history, Col. Muammar Gadhafi is alive and his ideas and actions are threats to Western plots, said the Minister.

“Why would America want him (Col. Gadhafi) dead so bad that they would use the power of their military and the military of NATO to destroy this man's country? Bombing his infrastructure, destroying his communications, destroying the Man Made River Project, doing everything they can do to destroy the infrastructure of the country,” he said.

If Libya's leader survives and must use resources to rebuild his country, he will not be able to financially support the creation of a United States of Africa, the Minister noted.

Under the cover of United Nations Resolution 1973, Western nations are pursing assassination of a head of state and regime change, which are violations of international law.

America and her allies took $30 billion held in foreign banks from the Gadhafi government, giving it to the so-called rebel National Transitional Council, which is “an illegitimate government that they set up—a puppet regime to do the bidding of America and the West and not true service to the Libyan people,” said Min. Farrakhan.

(L-R)Muslim women arrive to assist at Aug. 13 march. Photo: Arthur C. Muhammad | Abdul Hafeez Muhammad of Mosque No. 7 in Harlem. Photo: Lem Peterkin | Fruit of Islam report for posts at demonstration. Photo: Arthur C. Muhammad

He urged the rebel groups headquartered in their de facto capital of Benghazi to opt for elections and a negotiated settlement to curb bloodshed and end fighting prohibited by Muslims in the current month of fasting and prayer called Ramadan. The U.S. and her allies will never make good on their promises, the Minister warned the rebels, who America, England, France and Italy have declared Libya's rightful government.

Hypocrisy and plots against Gadhafi

The Minister noted the United Nations was prepared to give Col. Gadhafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya, his revolutionary government, a humanitarian award. A UN report praised Col. Gadhafi's government for protection of human rights, political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, the Minister said. The Gadhafi regime was also praised for treatment of religious minorities but before a March vote on the award, NATO forces started attacking Tripoli, Libya's capital, and hitting pro-Gadahfi forces with missiles in February.

The UN-authorized peacekeeping operation, which was put in the hands of NATO, turned into one-sided support for rebel forces deadlocked with forces loyal to Col. Gadhafi. NATO initiated a “no fly” zone against Gadhafi air forces and then directly attacked Gadhafi troops, though the UN resolution was supposed to simply protect civilians. Western leaders twisted the mission by saying civilians would not be safe so long as Libya's leader remained in power.

But while the media has mis-portrayed Col. Gadhafi as a tyrant, Min. Farrakhan told the truth of a man despised by the West: With the oil wealth of Libya, Col. Gadhafi raised the standard of living for his country, educated his people and upgraded infrastructure. He invested $33 billion in the Man Made River Project because he wanted the Libyan people to be agricultural scientists and not be held hostage by high food prices from Europeans.

Videographers capture historic protest. Photo: Mikal Veale

Before Col. Gadhafi came to power, the life expectancy for Libyans was 44. It is now 75. Prior to Col. Gadhafi, Libyans had a 20 percent literacy rate, now it stands at 83 percent, and there is free education and medical care for all Libyans. Col. Gadhafi is also the only leader who has apologized for the Arab role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, noted Min. Farrakhan.

Col. Gadhafi prefers to live in tents, not ostentatious palaces, and unlike many Arab rulers has declined to enrich himself off of his nation's wealth, he continued. While Arab states have seen protests calling for greater freedom, Libya's leader introduced participatory democracy known as the “Third Universal Theory,” which puts leadership in the hands of the people.

Instead of using oil wealth to carve out a personal fiefdom, Col. Gadhafi put $70 billion in an African Development Bank, which meant that African nations could borrow money without exorbitant interest rates and/or debt bondage to the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank, said Min. Farrakhan.

Col. Gadhafi invested $400 million, and with $100 million invested by other African nations, launched a satellite that allowed direct calls to Africa, bypassing European routing of calls, which meant $500 million in lost European revenue, he said.

Col. Gadhafi is neither a dictator nor the president, he is the guide of the revolution, said Min. Farrakhan.

“Muammar Gadhafi is dangerous to Western hegemony; he is dangerous to imperialists; he is dangerous to monopolists; he is dangerous to Western oligarchies. He is so dangerous that they feel he must be destroyed.”

A warning for Africa

“The African governments must not accept the false promises of America,” cautioned Min. Farrakhan. “What have they promised you that they delivered on their promise? So if you trust their empty promises then you deserve the hell that you get because they are liars and deceivers!”

The African Union must reject Western domination and calls to support the overthrow of Col. Gadhafi's government, he said. The African Union's refusal to honor an International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Col. Gadhafi was a good start, but the African Union must tell European powers to stop bombing Libya, or Africa will stop trade and no longer allow access to her natural resources, Min. Farrakhan said.

“So Africa, tell Hillary Clinton and all her representatives that come to you—tell them go to hell and drive them out of Africa! They think that you are the same lackey, the same flunkey, the same Uncle Tom that some of your predecessors were!”

Minister Farrakhan recalled that on two occasions during his world tours, when President Robert Mugabe was “the darling of the Commonwealth nations,” the Minister's delegation was not even allowed to land in Zimbabwe. On the third occasion, the delegation was allowed to land, but President Mugabe was no longer the friend of the West.

Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe led the revolutionaries against the racist minority White government of Ian Smith, when Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia. But as the revolutionaries were going to take the capital city Harare, they were summoned to England, where the U.S. and UK promised to buy back the land from the White farmers, who owned millions of acres of the most productive land, so land could be returned to Black people. In a short time, America and England reneged on the agreement and after two decades President Mugabe began to seize land from White farmers in 2000 and return the land to Zimbabweans. He has been branded a dictator and a pariah for his land reform policy.

Plots against Libya sign on assault on Nation of Islam

The plots against Col. Gadhafi and Libya are signs of plots at home against the Nation of Islam, which has suffered from negative propaganda and sanctions, with vicious opponents trying to cut off anything that might support the movement, said Min. Farrakhan. When privately owned Muslim security companies brought peace to public housing projects in the late 1980s and early 1990s, New York Republican Peter King, with the backing of the Anti-Defamation League and other Zionist groups, forced cancellation of contracts and held federal hearings. Rep. King has conducted hearings condemned as anti-Islamic witch hunts and is pushing a ban on lectures by Min. Farrakhan and Nation of Islam literature in federal prisons. The Justice Dept. recently agreed to probe NOI prison activity at the urging of the lawmaker.

Min. Farrakhan did not own any part of the security companies and did not receive any money from their contracts, but the intent was to hurt Min. Farrakhan regardless of the lives lost and violence suffered by public housing residents.

Describing many of America's powerful government officials and politicians as “robbers, thieves and cutthroats of the poor,” the Minister said they care nothing about the conditions of the Black, Brown and poor Whites suffering in the United States. It is hypocrisy to speak of a Libyan “humanitarian crisis” while ignoring massive suffering inside America, he said.

“I say to the government of the United States as the prophets of old said to the wicked of their day—come against me with all you've got! Come against me with all that you have and give me no respite and in the end, I will be standing because I'm standing with Allah and Allah is standing with me!” Min. Farrakhan said as the crowd cheered.

“But if you don't believe or half believe, then you will fear what they have visible power to do, but I know that they don't have what you think they have, and what they've deceived themselves into thinking that they have. Allah is sufficient for the Believer,” he said.

“So those of you that want to lead our people, if you say you believe in God or Christ, then demonstrate that by fearless, uncompromising, unwavering steadfastness in the pursuit of justice, freedom and equality. Otherwise you should sit down and get out of the way for those of us who know God will lead this struggle and we are the overcomers!” he said.

Illusion of democracy, progress in America

President Obama's perceived upward mobility is designed to deceive the masses into holding onto a system that is not designed to give Black people freedom, justice and equality, said Min. Farrakhan.

“I want to say to all of you, because you have a Black president does not mean that America is the home of the brave and the land of the free and everything is all right now because a Black man is taking care of the affairs of White people,” he said.

Urged on by wicked advisors, President Obama has ramped up drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia and now presides over the bombing of an African nation, the Minister noted. America is a “rogue government” with a president “surrounded by criminals” manipulated by unseen powers that impact global realities, he said.

“These are robbers and thieves in suits and ties and our brother (Obama) is the front man,” said Min. Farrakhan. “Sorry Brother Barack, you're trusting Satan and he will never give you the right information. You need to come sit with your brother, and I will not lie to you.”

Minister Farrakhan said he will never be a politician and will never compromise principles and truth for political progress.

And to those in the Zionist controlled media and organizations who continue the campaign to malign his character and try to create a misperception of the Minister in history, the Minister addressed directly: “We don't need you to write my history. You won't even be alive when my history is told,” said Min. Farrakhan. “When my history is written down in the generations you won't even be here to smell the heat from the pen. Now a man that talks like me is either crazy or he knows God and you can choose whatever one you want. I don't sound like a madman except to the weak and cowardly among you. I have God with me and what I speak from my mouth He answers.”


Grammy-winning artists Jay-Z and Beyonce continue to make headlines as of late, this time for earning the right to call themselves music's most powerful couple.

Based on estimates by financial publication Forbes, Hov and Bey's money-generating abilities land them atop their competition.

Music's most powerful couple, Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z hauled in some $72 million over the past year, making them No. 2 on our list. The Houston-born R&B diva pulled in $35 million, thanks mostly to business-focused deals such as a clothing line with Dereon and endorsement deals with L'Oreal, DirecTV, General Mills and others. As for Jay-Z, his earnings come from the 10-year $150 million Live Nation deal that he signed in 2008 and the cash he collects as a shareholder in New Jersey Nets, 40/40 Club chain and ad firm Translation. (Forbes)

The R&B/hip-hop duo raked in $72 million between May 2010 and May 2011, with Beyoncé netting $35 million thanks to her Deréon apparel line and her endorsement deals with DirectTV, General Mills, L'Oreal and others. Meanwhile, Jigga's earnings mostly came from his 10-year $150 million Live Nation deal, his 40/40 restaurant chain and his partial ownerships of the New Jersey Nets basketball team and ad firm Translation. Beyoncé earned a few more coins this week alone, as she finished out her residency of '4 Intimate Nights With Beyonce' concerts on Friday (Aug. 19) at New York's Roseland Ballroom. (Pop Crush)

There's definetely not another more successful couple in Music by far. They are both Multi-Platinum Superstar Artists with unbelievable business savvy and International and Social Influence across the globe.The duo have done just about everything together except make a complete album but they have several joint hit singles. Right now Beyonce's latest Opus stands at over 700,000 units sold in the first month and Jay Z. and Kanye West's MasterPiece "WATCH THE THRONE" has sold nearly 600,000 two weeks into release both projects no doubt will be certified platinum adding to their Superstar accomplishments. (THACHILL-ONE)

Aug-19- 2011

Jasiri X, the politically charged rapper, is back and he's taking a completely different twist on the Kanye West and Jay-Z hit "Otis." The Pittsburgh native rhymes over the song, but opts to trade bars as George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. A very interesting approach, X even takes a bit of time to defend President Obama as he shares his views on the Bushes. Check out "Bomb The Throne" with the lyrics listed after the video.

George H.W. Bush -I invented crack
the highest hit with them scientists in the lab
not hard to find it
read Gary Webb's Dark Alliance
New terror alert Qaddafi
We tried to kill him in the 80s but were sloppy
Bombs hit his compound every wall was knock down
his infant daughter got found dead under a rock pile

George W. Bush -Damn W Bush where the hell you been?
Obama's getting blamed for all of ya failures kid
Left trillions in debt they acting like I never did
Kanye even apologized now we're hella friends
They say I'm stupid but I was dumb before
but they so crazy they forgot about my other war
and they don't even mention my other other war
Almost destroyed America they still love me more

George H.W. Bush -Skull and Bones fresh
bomb you with the stealth
I'm bout to call the CIA on my self
I was the first ta
go after Saddam Hussein I tried to murk ya
bombed Iraq with those missiles air to surface
so we would have cheap oil for us to purchase
Iran contra no need for bail
I pardoned everybody they never going to jail

George W. Bush -A born again Christian I'm never going to hell
my book about decisions is never going to sale
300 pages of crap it's better in the shredder
I made history the worst president ever
I'm in Crawford with the golfers
cause of my cuts there's just no job offers
now everybody in they house getting foreclosed
I'm done I'll hit you ya tomorrow

George H.W. Bush -Welcome to Panama
Sent troops to get Noriega I am the law
he had pedico in kilos
we bought it from him that's how come that we know
4000 dead it makes no difference
nobody cares cause it's just less immigrants
no coincidence my son went from governor
to president leaving a debt so big we can't get under from

George W. Bush -Can't you see commercial jets flying over you
for seven minutes I froze like what the hell Imma do
put my Arab friends on planes with no kinda proof
even though they said the highjackers were Saudi too
Then I let Osama escape like the hell with it
so I could invade Iraq with fake intelligence
and over 6,000 troops died
but hey keep being mad at the new guy

Aug-17- 2011

A man accused of killing his wife in Kansas had wanted to introduce another woman into their sexual life, leading his wife to begin a lesbian affair that he then blamed for the breakdown of their marriage, the deceased woman’s divorce attorney told jurors Tuesday. A defense attorney for James Kraig Kahler, who could face the death penalty if convicted, later dismissed that claim as “a fantasy.”

Kahler, 48, is accused of fatally shooting his estranged wife, her grandmother and the Kahlers’ two teenage daughters. They were killed the weekend after Thanksgiving 2009 in the grandmother’s home near Burlingame, about 20 miles south of Topeka. Kahler’s attorneys contend he had been mentally ill for months. They say he suffered hallucinations and was obsessed with the relationship that his wife, Karen, had with another woman and her pursuit of a divorce. The killings occurred only months after Kahler lost his job as a water department director in Columbia, Mo. — an event defense attorneys say was tied to his deteriorating mental health. He was living near Topeka at the time of the killings.

Dan Pingelton, a Columbia, Mo., attorney who represented Karen Kahler in their divorce, testified that she told him that her husband introduced her to Sunny Reese of Weatherford, Texas. James Kraig Kahler and his attorneys say Reese broke up the marriage. The Kahlers lived in Weatherford before James Kraig Kahler, commonly known as Kraig, took the Missouri job in 2008. “Karen indicated to me that Kraig wanted to bring another partner into the marriage,” Pingelton testified during the criminal trial in Lyndon. “She indicated to me that Kraig wanted to do a threesome.”

After the trail ended for the day, one of Kahler’s lawyers said he’d never heard the claim before Tuesday’s testimony. “Mr. Kahler’s accused of doing a number of things,” Thomas Haney of Topeka said during an interview. “That’s one that I think is just a fantasy.”
The victims of the shootings were: Karen Kahler, 44; her grandmother, Dorothy Wight, 89, and the Kahlers’ daughters, Emily, 18, and Lauren, 16. At the time of the killings, Kahler was living in Meriden, Kan., northeast of Topeka.
The Kahlers also had a son, Sean, now 12, who was at the scene of the shootings but fled without being physically injured. He testified Monday that he saw his father shoot his mother.
The boy told defense attorneys that he didn’t want to talk about his mother’s relationship with Reese, and they didn’t ask him to do so. During opening statements Monday, Haney said the Kahlers appeared to have a perfect marriage and family life for more than two decades before 2009, when the marriage became “cancerous.”
He named Reese repeatedly as the cause and said the two women conducted their affair openly, in front of the Kahler children.
Questioned by Haney, Pingelton acknowledged that he never interviewed Reese or the Kahlers’ children. Pingelton also said he did not know how Kraig Kahler introduced Reese to his wife, who worked with Reese as a personal trainer in Weatherford.
“She said the three of them were close, and then they broke away from Kraig,” Pingelton testified.
He also testified that money was an issue in the Kahlers’ divorce and that Kraig Kahler had contested “everything.”
A settlement hearing in the divorce had been scheduled for early December 2009, with a trial set just days before Christmas. Karen Kahler had filed for divorce in January 2009 and moved out of the family home in March.
“In a few months, it became fairly contentious, and it became worse as time went on,” he said.
In an interview with The Associated Press two days after the killings, Pingelton described Kraig Kahler as a controlling misogynist who was only interested in his son.
Questioned by Haney in court Tuesday, Pingelton acknowledged those statements, even calling the defendant “a monster.” At the time of the shootings, Kahler also faced a misdemeanor battery charge in Missouri, stemming from a March 2009 altercation with his estranged wife. According to evidence presented in the capital murder trial, Kahler tried to hug her when she did not want to be touched by him.
Pingelton testified that his file contained color photographs of Karen Kahler with bruises on her upper arms, and black-and-white copies were admitted as evidence Tuesday. But Pingelton testified he couldn’t say who took the photos or when.

Day two of an Osage County quadruple murder trial began with shocking testimony from victim Karen Kahler's divorce attorney. He said James Kraig Kahler, on trial for capital murder in the deaths of four female family members, invited a woman into his marriage for three-way sexual relations.

The woman, Sunny Reese, is who defense attorneys have called a homewrecker for breaking up the Kahler marriage, but on Tuesday, Karen Kahler's divorce attorney said it was the defendant who brought Sunny into the relationship.

Columbia, Mo., attorney Dan Pingelton says in the past, he's called James Kraig Kahler a monster, a woman hater, and emotionally abusive, but on Tuesday, he just called Kahler responsible for choosing Sunny Reese.

"Karen indicated to me that Kraig wanted Sunny to have a three-way sexual relationship... Kraig wanted to have a threesome and Sunny was his choice," Pingelton said.

The defense says that's not true, that Karen Kahler strayed from their 23-year marriage, displaying her lesbian affair in front of their three children.

"Her and Sunny fell in love," Pingelton said.

The defense says the pending divorce drove Kahler insane. He's on trial for the shooting deaths of his wife Karen Kahler, his two teenaged daughters Lauren and Emily, and Karen's grandmother Dorothy Wight, November 2009 in Burlingame.

Defense attorneys have not disputed the killings, only the circumstances leading up to them.

Prosecutors are working to prove Kahler had been physically abusive to his wife.

Defense attorneys say the affair made Kahler obsessive, that be monitored Karen's emails and phone records, even hired a detective to track her and Sunny.

Sunny Reese is scheduled to take the stand on Wednesday


Coincidence or was this heffa really crazy enough to pay someone to kill her baby’s father after posting it on Facebook???
“I will pay somebody a stack to kill my baby father,” London Eley wrote on her Facebook status May 23. On Monday night the father of her baby was shot dead in West Philly, police say.

Eley was already brought up on murder solicitation and weapons charges for the murder-for-hire Facebook post, and was in court on Monday when a judge upheld those charges. The father of Eley’s baby, 22-year-old Corey White, was shot once in the chest hours after the court hearing, police say.

Police cannot yet say if White’s murder had anything to do with Eley’s death wish. White spoke to NBC Philadelphia in June, saying that he was scared for his life.

“I never thought she would do anything like that,” White told NBC Philadelphia, with only his shoes showing for the camera. “I didn’t know she was that type of person.”

Eley, 19, was arrested June 12 along with the alleged hitman-to-be, 18-year-old Timothy Bynum of Darby. After Eley wrote the status, and commented further that she wanted White “DEAD! HATE HIM,” Bynum responded on the social networking page: “say no more. what he look like. where he be at. need that stack 1st ima mop that bull.”

A “stack” is slang for $1,000. “I just took it upon myself to go ahead and make sure that I wouldn’t have any done to me,” White told NBC Philadelphia. “On pictures that [Bynum] has, he has guns his pictures on Facebook. So of course you wouldn’t take anything like that lightly.”

White went to police with his aunt, who was the first to see the threatening messages on Facebook. After Monday’s court hearing, defense lawyer Gerald Stein said Eley was only venting and exchanged messages with Bynum for an hour, but never met him.

Eley and Bynum have been incarcerated since police arrested them in June.

A Philadelphia man whose ex-girlfriend allegedly used Facebook to put out a $1,000 contract on him has been shot and killed, although the woman and a man who answered her post are both in jail.

Corey White was shot once in the chest Monday evening after reportedly having an argument with at least one suspect later seen fleeing in a brown vehicle, Philadelphia police spokewoman Tanya Little said.

ABC News affiliate WPVI reported the car had been stolen from the 69th Street Transportation Center during the day and later found on fire in Yeadon, Pa.

Earlier this year White's ex-girlfriend, 20-year-old London Eley, who is also the mother of his child, posted on Facebook, "I will pay somebody a stack to kill my baby father." Police said a "stack" refers to $1,000.

Timothy Bynum allegedly responded, "Say no more ... what he look like ... where he be at ... need that stack 1st," according to police.

Eley's attorney told it was either White, or one of his relatives, who saw the post on Facebook and called police.

Man Shot Dead After Being Targeted on Facebook

Both Eley, 20, of Philadelphia, and Bynum, 18, of Darby, Pa., have been in custody since mid-June in Philadelphia County jail. Eley is being held on solicitation to commit murder and terroristic threat charges. Bynum was arrested on four charges, including attempted murder.

On Monday -- just hours before the shooting -- a judge reduced bail for Eley from $50,000 to $35,000 and Bynum's bail was reduced from $75,000 to $50,000, although both remain in jail.

Gerald Stein, Eley's attorney, told that his client had nothing to do with White's death.

"I know where my client is and therefore I know where she wasn't," said Stein, explaining Eley and Bynum were in jail when the shooting occurred.

"I recognize there is a coincidence in timing between the hearing yesterday and the death of Mr. White, but at this time that's all it is. And I don't think premature conclusions are warranted for my client or the codefendant," Stein said.

Bynum's lawyer, Lopez Thompson, told the Associated Press today that Bynum meant no harm when he responded to the Facebook message and that his family is devastated about White's death.

Philadelphia police are investigating the shooting. "There is no motive at this time," said Little, the department's spokeswoman.

Police do not yet know if the Facebook message and the killing are linked.

The Associated Press reported police have reason to believe White may have been the getaway driver in a nightclub shooting last month. According to court documents White was arrested in July on a DUI charge.

Stein dismissed Eley's Facebook remark saying she was venting online after arguing with White, and that her message was "the product of momentary anger."


Jay Z and Kanye West are the co-rulers of the hip-hop nation this week, as their Roc-a-Fella/Roc Nation album, Watch the Throne, debuts at #1 with 426k in sales, including a record 290k digital downThe album sold nearly 290,000 downloads through Sunday night, breaking the previous record-holder set by Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" in 2008.
Sources say Jay-Z and Kanye West's Watch the Throne broke the U.S. iTunes Store's one-week sales record last week when it sold nearly 290,000 downloads via the retailer through Sunday night.

loads at iTunes. What they didn't realize was the months of near-military-scale planning required to keep the album under wraps.

Taking C.I.A.-like precautions to ensure that the album was released on their own terms, the duo successfully staved off hackers with a leak-proof strategy -- an anomaly for an industry consistently brought to its knees by web-savvy individuals eager to share unreleased material with the world.

"It was really important to [Jay] that people experienced this album in its entirety when they first listened to it," says a Roc Nation executive, who asked to remain anonymous. "That was really the driving force of it, to create that nostalgic moment of unwrapping the CD and listening to it for the first time."

Conceived during three iterations in Australia, New York City and Paris, Watch the Throne was kept secure by three core engineers -- Mike Dean, Anthony Kilhoffer and Noah Goldstein -- who disabled their computers' Wi-Fi at pop-up studios constructed in hotel rooms. Due to compromising hacker attempts for West's 2010 release My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, outside producers such as the RZA and Swizz Beatz were asked to appear in-person for works-in-progress -- no emailed song drafts were allowed.

To combat pre-release piracy, Kilhoffer, Grammy Award-winner for West's Graduation and John Legend's Get Lifted, claims that all sessions were saved offsite to hard drives in Goldstein's locked Pelican briefcase over the course of nine months. "Everywhere we went in hotels, we were locking hard drives and Noah took them with him," says Kilhoffer, who now travels with external memory units that can only be accessed by biometric fingerprints.

The technology, which Kilhoffer implements while traveling on West's current European tour, takes a live scan of one's finger to serve as key to access protected material. For less than $100, devices such as the Eikon Digital Privacy Manager and Zvetco Fingerprint Reader measure the finger's ridges and valleys with conductor plates, transmitting imprints through a USB cord to safeguard hard drive contents. While on the road, Kilhoffer and Dean are the sole gatekeepers to unlock the digital safes.

STORY: Jay-Z Tops Forbes' Hip-Hop Cash Kings List Again

Sent to a manufacturing plant days ahead of its digital unveiling on August 8, Watch the Throne was later shipped to major retail outlets like Best Buy, serviced with exclusive deluxe edition, in time for the album's physical release today. Only two New York City listening sessions -- one at the Mercer Hotel, the other at Hayden Planetarium -- invited the outside world to hear the completed work.

While Jay-Z and Kanye West managed to record one of hip-hop's most hotly anticipated albums without compromise, some label executives agree that the method could set an example for an industry still struggling to adapt to the digital renaissance.

"I think there are a lot of people looking at this and saying, 'Wow, maybe these guys are onto something. That might be the way to go,'" says the Roc Nation executive. "I'd be surprised if many other artists don't use this strategy as well."

The album, a collaboration between hip-hop superstars Jay-Z and Kanye West, shot to No. 1 on iTunes album sales charts on its first day of release Monday.

The project took Apple's digital music store crown in the U.S. and 22 other countries including Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, the U.K. and multiple European territories.

Watch the Throne bowed exclusively on iTunes at midnight in standard and deluxe forms, and will be released in stores Aug. 12. The deluxe version is exclusive to Best Buy for a limited time. The Apple/Best Buy release was criticized by a number of independent retailers who said the duo was employing a "short sighted strategy" by leaving them out of the equation.

Beyonce, RZA, and Q-Tip are among the contributors to the project, which the rappers will support on tour beginning in Atlanta on Oct. 29.

Watch the Throne has received generally positive reviews thus far: All Hip Hop’s JP DelaCuesta and Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur wrote, “Most people tend to love or loathe Mr. West and Mr. Carter with very few gradients of gray. Watch the Throne is the most ambitious effort the pair have joined forces on and the world awaits to hear it. The dynamic duo do not disappoint.” Billboard’s The Juice described the sound as “filthy rhymes over sumptuous soundscapes” in a track-by-track review.

1. "No Church in the Wild:" The Throne give a taste of sex, drugs & hip-hop. "Last night was mad real," Kanye raps. The-Dream sneaks in mid-way with auto-tuned vocals.

2. "Lift Off:" Although it feels misplaced in between tracks 1 and 3, the "stadium status" track is one to look forward to in seeing performed on the WTT tour.

3. "Ni**gas in Paris:" Kanye steals the show on the Hit-Boy produced club anthem. A snippet of Will Ferrell's line from "Blades of Glory" is tucked in between.

4. "Otis:" Jay-Z & Kanye West spit dirty rhymes on champagne living, a theme through out the album ("Ni**as in Paris"), over an Otis Redding classic.

5. "Gotta Have It:" The Neptunes revamp James Brown's "People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul" for Throne to brag on and shout out hometowns. "Racks" reference.

6. "New Day:" The Throne rhyme what they will and will not do to better raise their unborn sons. Ye recalls his doings and Jay won't let history repeat itself.

7. "That's My B**ch:" Similar to the leaked version, only Jay adds brown skinned actresses into the mix. Ye: "About to go dumb, how come? yeah, that's my b**ch."

8. "Welcome to the Jungle:" Kanye and Jay-Z shed light to the darkness of their lifestyle. Swizz Beatz production reminds me of Diddy's "All About the Benjamins."

9. "Who Gon Stop Me:" The Throne throw the middle finger to haters and hardships of the past. "Til I die/ I'mma f***in ball," West raps. Perfect song for wildin'.

10. "Murder to Excellence:" The Throne speak on black on black murder. Ye' compares Chi-town's murder rate to Iraq's. "Cause ain't nothin on the news but the blues."

11. "Made in America:" Frank Ocean's soulful vocals that soothe start and close the cut. Jay and Kanye rhyme on their "come up" over Shame "Sak Pase" Joseph beat.

12. "Why I Love You:" Jay-Z goes off on those who, though once close, turned away or against him. "But I'm bullet proof, b**ch you can't get nothin' past me." #shots

Street-Wize Unkutt Gives The Album 4****Out Of Five Stars....A superior release definetely one of the best complete projects this year.......

Aug-8- 2011

UC Student Killed With Taser

A University of Cincinnati summer school student died Saturday (August 6) after he was tased by campus police.

A police report states that officers arrived to Everrett Howard's dorm around 3a.m and were approached by Howard, who seemed agitated and had his fists balled.

After refusing police orders to stand down, an officer shot him once with a taser.

As a result of the shot Howard had a heart attack and was pronounced dead shortly after at a nearby hospital.

The university has an ongoing investigation into the incident.

The officer who fired the fatal shot is on paid leave according to reports.

A student who died after being shot with a Taser by campus police had also been shocked with a stun gun last year, it has emerged.

Everette Howard, from Cincinatti, went into cardiac arrest after being struck by the stun gun on Saturday after police were responding to reports of an assault.

The 18-year-old, who was due to attend the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky, was said to have approached a campus police officer with clenched fists.

Tasered: The coroner revealed that Everette Howard, pictured with a friend, had also been shocked with a stun gun and rushed to hospital last year
Authorities at the University of Cincinnati said he was told to remain still, but continued to walk towards the campus officer.

Everette was struck once by the Taser which can discharge an electric shock of up to 50,000 volts.

Cardiac arrest: Everette Howard died after being tased by a gun
When he collapsed to the ground the officer checked his condition, and in his report said he appeared incoherent and seemed to have an 'altered mental status'.

Paramedics attended the stricken student and while they were with him he went into cardiac arrest. He was later pronounced dead at hospital.
Hamilton County Coroner Amant Bhati told The Cincinnati Enquirer the teen also had been shocked with a stun gun and then rushed to a hospital last year.
Mr Bhati didn’t share other details about that incident.
Two investigations have been launched because of the incident.

An internal investigation will look into the use of force by the officer, who was immediately placed on mandatory administrative leave.
University chiefs have also suspended the use of Tasers until it can determine what caused the teen's death.
Everette, who was a stand out wrestler at his school, had been attending college preparatory classes at the University of Cincinnati.
He is said to have finished in the top ten per cent of his class this Spring.
Scene: Chiefs at the University of Cincinnati (pictured) have suspended the use of Tasers until it can determine what caused the teen's death

Promising future: Everette Howard was captain of the wrestling and football teams at at North College Hill High School
The university's assistant police chief, Jeff Corcoran, said campus police were called to a the Turner Hall dorm room in the early hours of the morning over a report on an assault.

When they arrived they saw Everette who police said appeared angry and agitated.

More...University honours six students who died in a tornado with graduation ceremony for lost loved ones

Corcoran says officers ordered the teen to back off, but he refused. He was then hit once by an officer's stun gun.

An autopsy has been ordered.

'I want to emphasize we don't know what the cause of the death is at this point,' Corcoran said.

The second investigation is trying to determine what initiated the original 911 call and whether an assault has taken place.

There have been no arrests or criminal charges filed.

'We are extremely unhappy and upset at the outcome of this call,' Corcoran said. 'No one wants to see the death of an 18-year-old. It was not anyone's intention. The officer is very distraught.'


Fox News Sites Says, “Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs”

Fox News, who has a history of taunting President Barack Obama, were back to their old tricks when affiliate site The Fox Nation published an article on Friday, calling Obama's 50th birthday celebration a "Hip-Hop BBQ" and stating that the event "Didn't Create Jobs."

The New York Times reports:

“Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs,” read the headline on an article on The Fox Nation, a conservative arm of, which is owned by the News Corporation.

Below the headline were photos of Mr. Obama and, separately, three black celebrities who attended the party, the basketball player Charles Barkley, the comedian Chris Rock and the rapper Jay-Z.

Not pictured were any attendees of other racial backgrounds, like the actor Tom Hanks or Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.

The article, published Friday morning, generated more than 2,000 comments and substantial objections from people who found it to be inaccurate at best and racist at worst.

Media Matters for America, a progressive group that campaigns against Fox, asserted that the article was part of a pattern of “race-baiting headlines and content” on the Web site.

It's obvious the editor's motives in this article were racially charged.

Was using photos of Chris Rock, Charles Barkley and Jay-Z, and singling them out as guests supposed to be funny?

Although anything that's familiar with Fox News shouldn't be surprised.

They're known for their juvenile reporting and one-sided opinions when it comes to matters in reporting of Obama (well, when it comes to reporting, period).

How do you feel about the "Hip-Hop BBQ" comments?

Is this another racial jab at President Obama by Fox News? Or are people being too sensitive?

The President’s private 50th birthday bash, not listed on his public schedule: His gift to the press corps was a travel/photo lid shortly after 4 p.m., prompting what pooler Julie Mason called “general cheering in WH workspace.” An hour later, the party started…

--… with dinner in the Rose Garden, accompanied by “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band. Then the First Lady and his daughters presented POTUS with a cake, and everyone moved into the East Room for performances that included R&B singer Ledisi, and Herbie Hancock. Stevie Wonder came up at the end and sang a medley ending in “Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours.” DJ Cassidy played Motown, hip hop, and ’70s and ’80s R&B.

--The president asked everyone to dance -- and they did!

--DINNER: BBQ chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, salad.

--DESSERT: apple, peach, huckleberry and cherry pies; chocolate cake.

--GUESTS: Al Sharpton, Patrick Gaspard, UBS Investment Bank President Robert Wolf, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski, Leader Nancy and Paul Pelosi, Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary Arne Duncan, U.S. Trade Rep. Ron Kirk, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep./DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former Virginia Gov. and DNC Chair Tim Kaine, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Valerie Jarrett, Michael Strautmanis, Pete Rouse, Bill Daley, Deputy Chief of Staff Alyssa Mastromonaco, Denis McDonough, John Brennan, Rahm Emanuel, Tina Tchen, White House chef Sam Kass, Julianna Smoot, Marty Nesbitt, Eric Whitaker, Linda Douglass, and many more.

--CELEBS: Jay-Z, Hill Harper, Chris Rock, Charles Barkley, Steve Harvey, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Grant Hill, Gayle King.

--Also present: Chicago pals, law-school friends, donors – and lots of kids of friends, who stole the show by doing dance routines to the hip-hop songs, in the center of the East Room. Read more at


"The White House doesn't create jobs." -- Jay Carney


President Obama celebrated his 50th birthday Thursday night with a celebrity-filled bash, as entertainer Chris Rock reported on his Twitter feed: "Just left the Presidents birthday party at the White House. Herbie Hancock played, Stevie Wonder sang and yes they did the electric slide. A great night."

Daughter Malia, 13 just arrived home from summer camp in time for the Rose Garden party as she was joined by her sister, Sasha, 10, First Lady Michelle, grandmother Marian Robinson and their godmother, Eleanor "Mama Kaye, Wilson," who flew to Washington from Chicago on Air Force One with Obama when he returned from his Thursday fund-raiser back home.

Obama's party--paid for, the White House said, by the First Couple--was closed press and not on his official schedule. Obama's team was not eager for pictures of the bash, coming as the stock market was plunging and a new jobless report comes out Friday morning. Read more at


Rock joined other celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Jay-Z, Charles Barkley, Steve Harvey and Grant Hill, as well as the Rev. Al Sharpton, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelsoi, D-Calif., Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, White House chief of staff Bill Daley, senior adviser David Plouffe, political advisers David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, and more.

The menu included barbecue chicken, ribs, hamburgers and hot dogs, pasta and salad. The president loves pie, so last night he had a choice of apple, cherry, huckleberry and/or peach.


White Teens Run Over, Kill Mississippi Man

A 49-year-old African American Mississippi man was recently viciously beaten and killed by a group of seven white teens who apparently randomly targeted the auto plant worker in a racially motivated hate crime.

The victim, James Craig Anderson, was standing beside his car in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi when two-carloads of white teenagers pummeled him repeatedly while yelling out racial slurs, according to reports by Several of the group, yelled out “White Power” during the mob beating. The group then jumped back into their vehicles with one car running over Anderson as they vacated the scene. Most of the event was captured live on surveillance camera.

According to law enforcement officials, the seeds for the tragic event were planted earlier that night when one of the teens, Daryl Dedmon Jr, suggested, "let's go f*ck with some n*ggers," prompting the group to drive to a predominantly black area in nearby Jackson to look for some trouble..

They reportedly saw Anderson standing in the parking lot as soon as they got off the exit ramp and then the beating began.

"I ran that n*gger over," Dedmon allegedly said in a phone conversation to the teens in the other car after driving over a bewildered Anderson.

Dedmon, 18 , has been charged with murder and now faces a possible double life sentence. John Aaron Rice, 18, has been charged with simple assault, for his part in the beating. They are the only two teen currently charged in the crime.

Eighteen-year-old Deryl Dedmon of Brandon, Mississippi, is accused of beating then savagely smashing 49-year-old James Anderson with a pickup truck before boasting, 'I ran that n****r over'. CCTV footage shows the attackers driving into a parking lot and beating Anderson, while repeatedly yelling racist phrases including, 'white power', according to witnesses.

In the clip (below), Anderson is shown staggering towards the headlights of the truck after being beaten, before the vehicle surges ahead, running him over and killing him instantly.

The group of teens, led by Dedmon, had been partying and drinking in a middle-class neighbourhood in the predominantly white Rankin County on June 26, when Dedmon told friends they should leave, saying 'let's go f**k with some n*****s', according to police.

Seven teenagers got into Dedmon's green Ford 250 truck and a white SUV Cherokee and drove 16 miles to the western edge of Jackson, which is a largely black area, just before dawn on the Sunday morning. As they left Interstate 20, they spotted Mr. Anderson in a parking lot beside the exit ramp. 'This is the first business that you get to coming off the highway and so that was the first person that was out here and vulnerable,' district attorney Robert Shuler Smith told CNN.

The surveillance footage shows the vehicles driving into the parking lot and stopping where Mr. Anderson is standing just off camera. The teenagers are shown going between the cars and Mr. Anderson, as witnesses say they repeatedly beat him. Two girls get back into the pick-up truck with Dedmon and the video shows Mr Anderson staggering towards the vehicle.

The truck suddenly charges forward, running him over before speeding away from the scene.

Shortly after, Dedmon boasted and laughed about the killing telling friends in the other car on the phone 'I ran that n****r over', according to witness statements. 'He was not remorseful he was laughing, laughing about the killing,' said Mr Smith.

'This was a crime of hate. Dedmon murdered this man because he was black. The evidence will show that.' The grieving family of Mr Anderson said they are shocked at the horrific attack.

'It appears there is no doubt that this was a racially motivated killing,' their attorney told CNN. "The family is still in shock still in disbelief.' The suspected ringleader Deryl Dedmon has been charged with murder and faces a possible double life sentence.

During a bond hearing, his lawyer said that there was nothing to back up the 'racial allegations'. A second teenager, John Aaron Rice, 18, has been charged with simple assault for his part in the attack. Neither suspect has entered a plea. The other teenagers in the group have not been charged.


One year after the idea was conceived, Kanye West and Jay-Z deliver one of the year's most anticipated albums, "Watch the Throne," today (August 8). At 12 a.m. EST, hip-hop fans turned to iTunes, instead of a Hulkshare page, to download The Throne's collaborative album.

Within an hour, lyrics of "Watch the Throne" flooded timelines and song titles ("Murder of Excellence," "New Day," "Lift Off," and "Made in America") began to trend worldwide. Not only did Kanye and Jay-Z fight and win against the big leak, but they brought a nostalgic vibe by keeping fans waiting to press download.

'Watch The Throne': Jay-Z and Kanye West's 10 Best Collaborations

From the Mercer Hotel in NYC to Australia, Kanye West and Jay-Z lace filthy rhymes over sumptuous soundscapes, this time as one, calling forth producers such as Swizz Beatz, RZA, Hit-Boy, No I.D. and the vocal prowess of Frank Ocean, Beyoncé, La Roux and more.

Which "Watch the Throne" track finds Kanye West and Jay-Z at the top of their game? Here's our Twitter-length track-by-track review of each song.

You be the judge: What do you think of Jay-Z and Kanye West's "Watch the Throne" album? Tweet us your own review at @billboarddotcom (using hashtag #bbwtt). The best tweets will be posted on in the coming days.

Jay-Z and Kanye West: A Bromance Timeline

1. "No Church in the Wild:" The Throne give a taste of sex, drugs & hip-hop. "Last night was mad real," Kanye raps. The-Dream sneaks in mid-way with auto-tuned vocals.

2. "Lift Off:" Although it feels misplaced in between tracks 1 and 3, the "stadium status" track is one to look forward to in seeing performed on the WTT tour.

Kanye West & Jay-Z Hold 'Watch the Throne' Listening Party at Planetarium

3. "Ni**gas in Paris:" Kanye steals the show on the Hit-Boy produced club anthem. A snippet of Will Ferrell's line from "Blades of Glory" is tucked in between.

4. "Otis:" Jay-Z & Kanye West spit dirty rhymes on champagne living, a theme through out the album ("Ni**as in Paris"), over an Otis Redding classic.

5. "Gotta Have It:" The Neptunes revamp James Brown's "People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul" for Throne to brag on and shout out hometowns. "Racks" reference.

6. "New Day:" The Throne rhyme what they will and will not do to better raise their unborn sons. Ye recalls his doings and Jay won't let history repeat itself.

7. "That's My B**ch:" Similar to the leaked version, only Jay adds brown skinned actresses into the mix. Ye: "About to go dumb, how come? yeah, that's my b**ch."

8. "Welcome to the Jungle:" Kanye and Jay-Z shed light to the darkness of their lifestyle. Swizz Beatz production reminds me of Diddy's "All About the Benjamins."

9. "Who Gon Stop Me:" The Throne throw the middle finger to haters and hardships of the past. "Til I die/ I'mma f***in ball," West raps. Perfect song for wildin'.

10. "Murder to Excellence:" The Throne speak on black on black murder. Ye' compares Chi-town's murder rate to Iraq's. "Cause ain't nothin on the news but the blues."

11. "Made in America:" Frank Ocean's soulful vocals that soothe start and close the cut. Jay and Kanye rhyme on their "come up" over Shame "Sak Pase" Joseph beat.

12. "Why I Love You:" Jay-Z goes off on those who, though once close, turned away or against him. "But I'm bullet proof, b**ch you can't get nothin' past me." #shots

This effort finds both of the hiphop titans at the top of their game as if they had something to prove as when jordan came back after the first retirement and won three more championships. The album is ridiculous, its hiphop not just a bunch of songs thrown on a disk and packaged for sell. Jay and Kanye went all the way in on this project its clearly one of the best hiphop albums of 2011, excuse me the best hiphop album of 2011 so far by far

So Haters......Sit Back and "WATCH THE THRONE"